SO I married Lance, this fabulous FABULOUS oh-my-god-I-found-him guy, and moved in with him. WE (my husband and I….which I still love saying) live on OUR farm. Yup – I live on a farm. Eleven acres that include a house, barn, stable, paddock (fenced in area built for horses to run repeatedly in a boring circle, poor things), two large fields and a surrounding forest. It’s VERY cool. I have vegetable garden too…which btw could be bigger if I want. SO FUN!!! I can take a walk with the dogs and never leave the property! Very easy to be a hermit here. It’s uber relaxing. AND we see wildlife!! So far deer, turkeys, birds AND while driving around here I saw a moose one day and a black bear another. WAY cool!!
It’s changing my priorities. Suddenly making this farm coolER is a thing. Like we’re putting fairy houses by our stream (We have a stream!! It tends to dry out in the summer, but it’s STILL cool! AND we have well water!! Oh baby!!), Lance mowed a labyrinth in one of the fields, the vegetable garden is coming along (and I’m learning a LOT) and now we’re talking about animals.
I LOVE the idea of rescuing animals…until we start talking about the cost of them. Sooo we’re slowing down on that (the dogs are pricey enough for now). The next thing I know, we had a guy who wants to rent our lower field for cows….where they’ll live until they are slaughtered. And I’m like “NOPE. Vegan Geeg is not supporting that one.” But then we talked about it. You know, when I lived in the UK I met a man who had to kill his entire herd of cattle because of mad cow disease. He was really hurt. I asked why, since they were raised to be killed anyway, and he agreed, but said he gave them the best life he could while they were alive. It really struck me. Energy matters team, and it’s contagious. If these cows are in my lower field, I can visit them whenever I want and I can give them love, play them music, feed them apples, and make their lives better. I also can talk with them, telling them things I want people know and really take in. When they are eventually eaten, all those vibrations will pass on to the eaters, and make the world a better place. Think on this – factory farms raise most of the cattle in the US. Did you know that the EU won’t buy our cattle meat? Google it. It’s because there is so much crap in it and it is so poorly raised (Google that on an empty stomach). Step back and look at the health of our country since GMOs came onto the scene (Cattle eat GMO corn instead of hay – it's cheaper, and it makes them sick so then they get all these meds). It’s an eye opener. SO my impact on that cattle is significant.
Ripples team. Everything impacts everything else, and every footprint matters. I’m just making mine uber positive. You’re welcome.
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